Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Shape Your Body Plan

I decided to give the "Shape Your Body Plan" a try. The site is a bit tricky at first. When entering nutrition information- you can only use decimal places- for example: use .25 and not 1/4. This is a small thing to adjust to.

Also in regards to the food log- they don't just ask for how many calories are in a serving- they want the fats, proteins, carbs, and a barage of other informtion in regards to the foods you've eaten during the day. There's a summary box that shows up in the "meals" section:

Meal Report for ( 17, Mar 2009 )
Scheduled Calories: 1593
Current Calories: 1796
Difference: 203

Macronutients: Actual Goal
Fat: 22% 20%
Protein: 35% 16%
Carbohydrate: 43% 64%

This was my summary for St Patricks Day. I was pretty close to consuming the right amount of fat- which is a strange thing to say. My carbohydrates were completely off by their standards. It makes me wonder how much better I would be doing in hitting my goals if I adjusted to what they say I need.

When you sign up for this program- it's really interesting because they ask for your weight and body fat percentage. Now, if you're like me and you don't know your body fat percentage (because how many of us caliper ourselves at home?) they go by body measurements- neck, waist, chest, thigh, bicep, forearm, hips. They also ask for gender, DOB, what your exersize experience is (are you returning to exercise? new to exercise?.... an olympian?!) and what your goal is (maintain, lose weight, firm and tone)

Once you complete all this information they provide you with a battery of information (it actually includes a lot of charts and graphs to give you a visual representation as well which is kind of neat to look at):

-->32: -->Pounds of fat you will lose
-->More important than the total pounds you drop is the amount of fat you will lose after one year of following the shapedietplan program. As you increase your exercise, you'll be changing your ratio of body fat to lean muscle mass while you also lose inches.
-->2453: -->Calories you will burn daily on the shapedietplan plan
-->As you increase your exercise, you will burn extra calories, and as you build more muscle, you'll burn even more calories.
-->11: -->Number of minutes it now takes you to run or walk a mile
-->8: -->Number of minutes it will take you to run a mile after one year with shapedietplan.
A healthier diet and better exercise habits will boost your body confidence. As you lose fat, add muscle and develop your endurance, you will have more energy to work and play. Physical activities that once seemed strenuous will now seem easier.

A healthier diet and better exercise habits will boost your body confidence. As you lose fat, add
muscle and develop your endurance, you will have more energy to work and play. Physical activities
that once seemed strenuous will now seem easier.

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